The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics
Vol.71 No.2 April 2018
我が国において抗生物質医薬品の品質基準の果たした役割に関する薬史学的・公衆衛生学的考察:第6報 抗生物質医薬品に課された生物学的試験
八木澤守正・Patrick J. Foster・黒川達夫
P.51-69, 2018
A case of necrotizing pneumonia caused by co-infection with influenza B and a Panton–Valentine leucocidin negative community acquired methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain
Keiji Mouri, Yoshihiro Kobashi, Shigeki Kato, Tetsuo Yamaguchi and Mikio Oka
P.71-80, 2018
Microfloral analysis of pediatric respiratory syncytial virus infection, with and without the use of antibiotics
Koo Nagasawa, Kenichi Takeshita, Hatsumi Taniguchi, Hiroshi Suzuki, Sachiko Naito, Haruka Hishiki, Tadashi Hoshino, Hirokazu Kimura, Kazuo Suzuki, Naoki Shimojo and Naruhiko Ishiwada
P.81-91, 2018
髙橋 聡
P.93-96, 2018