Free Lectures

We dispatch lecturers for free.

Lecturer dispatch service resumed

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we paused our external lecture service in view of the infection risk for speakers and participants. We are pleased to announce that we have resumed the service and welcome applications.

Since its inception in August 1946, the Japan Antibiotics Research Association has sought to promote, disseminate and raise awareness of basic research, clinical research, production technology and other activities on antibiotics and related pharmaceuticals, beginning with the establishment of penicillin production technology and its proper clinical applications in Japan.

We are also striving to overcome infectious diseases with the sponsorship of companies committed to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases including through research & development, production, sale, and provision of information on the proper use of antibiotics and other related drugs.

As part of these activities, we are seeking to raise awareness among younger generations, particularly young adults and students, about the importance of action against infectious diseases and stories of our predecessors who succeeded in developing penicillin through determined and dedicated efforts.

Applications should be made by completing the form below(Word | PDF), indicating preferred topics and schedule. We will contact you as soon as we receive your application form. Please make sure to apply at least two months prior to the preferred date.

Applications should be addressed to:

Japan Antibiotics Research Association
E-mail:gakkyo[at] (please change [at] to @)

What we can do and what you are asked to do:

  • We will select and dispatch the most suitable lecturer for your preferred topics on infectious diseases.
  • We will arrange everything, from contacting the lecturer to adjusting the schedule.
  • Costs pertaining to the lecturer (lecture fee and travel) are paid by the Association.
  • Please provide a venue for the lecture.
  • We can send lecturers to primary, middle and high schools, facilities for the elderly, etc.
  • Our lectures can also serve other purposes such as training for hospital staff.
  • The dispatch of lecturers is a public interest project intended for the general public. We might ask you to accept requests for participation from external parties.

You can consult us on any topics related to infectious disease, such as:

Much-talked-about drug-resistant strains

  • How do bacteria acquire drug resistance?


  • How is influenza different from the common cold?

Tuberculosis control

  • Isn’t TB a disease of the past?

Infectious diseases warranting precaution when traveling overseas (by region)

  • What diseases could infect us when we travel overseas?
  • Are the drugs prescribed overseas harmful to Japanese people (particularly children)?
  • Is there any practical preventive measures I can take? Is there anything I can do immediately before going to a hospital?

Sexually-transmitted diseases

  • Is AIDS incurable?
  • What’s the difference between HIV and AIDS?

Food poisoning

  • Why can we get ill just by eating food?

Winter cold and how to prevent it

  • Do we only catch a cold in winter?
  • Why is it necessary to close classes?

Infectious diseases transmitted by pets

  • Is kissing a pet a no-no?

How penicillin came about

  • What was the first antibiotic developed in Japan?


  • What happens when I change to a generic drug?